Muumi has MyDog DNA pass like all my podencos.
22.03.2014 Finnish Kennel Club's official health tests: knees: 0/0 & eyes ok
(Finnish Kennel Club considers ppm iris iris as a normal finding in this breed but they gather all ppm iris iris results to a non-public register similar to Koiranet in case they need access for the information in the future. So in Koiranet Muumi's eyes are perfectly healthy & normal but he did have ppm iris iris. Complicate?) :D
26.08.2020 Finnish Kennel Club's official health tests: eyes ok
(Still ppm iris iris as explained before.)
This visit was mainly because Muumi needs cortisone eye drops for itchy eyes every day.
04.05.2013 Finnish Kennel Club's official character test:
Result: keskeytetty, syy: pehmeys
Tuomarit: Lea Kilpeläinen & Tarja Matsuoi, mukana myös koearvostelija Tuija Juselius
Muumin luonnetesti keskeytettiin haalariosion jälkeen. Keskeytyksen syy oli koiran pehmeys, joka on -2 tai jopa -3 testituomarin mielestä. Muumi muistaa siis huonot kokemuksensa tyyliin ikuisesti. Me olemmekin aina vitsailleet, että Muumi kantaa kaunaa väärintekijöitä kohtaan hautaan asti. Se ei ikinä unohda tai anna anteeksi kokemiaan vääryyksiä. :D Luonnetesti tuomari sanoi, ettei Muumi ole hyvä harrastuskoira mutta kotikoirana voi mennä hyvin. Yksi erittäin hyvä piirrekin löytyi: Muumi ei "nurkkaan ahdistettunakaan" pure. Minusta testi meni Muumin huomioon ottaen hyvin. Keskeytys tapahtui oikeassa vaiheessa ja minulle jäi oikein positiivinen ja hyvä mieli kaikesta. Muumille esiteltiin ajan kanssa haalari ja lähtiessä leikittiin lelulla. Mitään suurempaa traumaa ei siis tullut. Suosittelen luonnetestiä kokemuksena ihan kaikille :)
Muumi will not be used for breeding because of his allergies. I stopped showing him because he didn't let judges touch him. Even without allergies I do not think Muumi would have been used for breeding. I do not consider his character as breeding quality. Muumi was transferred to not for breeding (EJ) register in 2012.
Muumi's allergies:
02/2012 Spectrum spot allergy report (allergy tests). Positive to Bromus Hordeaceus, Agrostis, Phleum pratense, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Dactylis glomerata, Ambrosia, rumex, Amaranth, dandelion, solidago virgaurea, hazel bush, ash, oak, beech, alternaria, cladosporium, smut mix*, pullularia, fusarium, d.farinae, lepido, tyrophagus, rabbit, chicken egg, wheat, oat, brewing yeast, seaweed, pea.(Smut mix* = Bermuda Grass Smut & Johnson Grass Smut)
Spring & Summer 2012 Prednison 5mg two tablets per day to prevent the itching & scratching.
03.08.2012 Atopica medicine started.
06.08.2012 Atopica medicine discontinued because of allergic reaction to it.
Autumn 2012 Prednison reduced to one tablet per day since Muumi already suffers from side-effects.
Autumn 2012 Muumi seems to be better when there's no pollen. Prednison reduced to 1/2 tablet per day. We tried 1/4 tablet per day but it was not enough because the scratching started.
10/2012 Allergen immunotherapy started. No noticeable effect on Muumi's skin condition.
Winter 2012-2013 has been hard for Muumi's skin so Prednison increased to 1,5 tablets per day.
13.03.2013 Muumi was castrated because he had an infection in his other testicle. The testicle had swollen & inflamed epididymis. It started as a skin rash and had been at least 4 months before we went to vet. There was pus in the abscess inside the testicle so the vet recommended that we send it to pathological examination. After I get the results a veterinary certificate will be sent to Finnish Kennel Club. I want the diagnose to be 100% true.
Spring 2013 Muumi's skin is better. Cortisone downsized to 1 Prednison 5mg tablet per day.
The rest of the saga concerning Muumi's allergies can be found from my blog.