The Wild One; Unto The Mutt :D
Raving Rabbids / Unto

podenco ibicenco pelo alambre / ibizanpodenco karkeakarvainen
27.3.2014 (I actually think he is approx. 1-3 months older) - 28.8.2022
sire: Curro RRC0111439
dam: Tac RRC0111443 (in registration certificate, but Auba in real life. Look below for explanation.)
breeder: Javier Escalona de Buen
(Do NOT buy a dog WITH REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE from him! Only paperless mutts that you can later register yourself.)
inbreeding: propably high but I have no way of knowing nor finding out
pedigree number: RRC0142972 / EJ22818/15
identification number: 941000016847735
colour: blanco y rojo
height: 71cm
weight: 30kg
nicknames: Unski, Untamoinen, Ubundo, Punto, Unto Mononen, Uuno, Schmunto, Spunski, Sputnik, Schmunski, Munski, Monokkeli, Mononen, Monomies, Punski, Punskimaatti, pikku Mononen, Riivali, Pononen, Un-Tomaatti, Puntomaatti, Piggu-Unto, Uuggis, Uuggis Muuggis, Unskimaatti, Ukulele, U-mies, Uuvatti, Hylje, Kuutti, Piggu U.

Mun suosikkilaulu on omistettu Untolle: "Satumaa"
composed by Unto Mononen & performed by Reijo Taipale on 1963.
Unto has MyDog DNA pass just like all my podencos: Sylvester, Anastasiya, Muumi & Hemuli.
28.03.2015 Finnish Kennel Club`s official health tests: knees 0/0 & eyes distichiasis moderate
09.01.2016 Finnish Kennel Club`s official health test: eyes distichiasis severe
06.10.2017 Finnish Kennel Club`s official health test:
eyes distichiasis severe (löytyi vain 1 ripsi, jota ei tarvinnut poistaa), retinopathy moderate
22.09.2018 Finnish Kennel Club`s official health test:
eyes retinopathy moderate (korioretinopatia), cataract suspicious
08.04.2015 extra lashes (distichiasis) from both eyes were removed by veterinary specialist using cryo (freezing) technology.
06.07.2015 some new extra lashes were found from both eyes on upper eyelids & Sari Jalomäki removed them in local anesthesia.
18.01.2016 extra lashes (distichiasis) from both eyes were removed again by veterinary specialist Sari Jalomäki using cryo technology.
01.10.2016 Finnish Kennel Club`s official character test:
1. Toimintakyky -2 Riittämätön
2. Terävyys +1b Koira joka ei osoita lainkaan terävyyttä
3. Puolustushalu -1 Haluton
4. Taisteluhalu -1 Pieni
5. Hermorakenne +1b Hermostunein pyrkimyksin
6. Temperamentti +2 Kohtuullisen vilkas
7. Kovuus -2 Pehmeä
8. Luoksepäästävyys +2a Luoksepäästävä, aavistuksen pidättyväinen
9. Laukauspelottomuus +++ Laukausvarma
Yhteensä 39 pistettä
24.05.2019 sydämessä mitraalialueella lievä sivuääni 1/6 (heart murmur)
20.06.2019 heart ultrasound by Andrea Gladuli
Unto is allergic at least to cow & milk, propably to duck, horse and elk too. He can`t eat grains. He has yeast type of symptoms like Anastasiya. He rips his fur off with his teeth. His paws turn easily to reddish brown. His condition is best when he eats only pig. Smoked products like pig ears cause him symptoms though.
Unto was put down because of dilatoiva kardiomyopatia DCM, cardiac heart failure CHF 2/2, rytmihäiriö kammiossa. Se olisi voitu vielä yrittää elvyttää eli korjata rytmi deffalla mutta päädyin eutanasiaan koska elinajaksi oli alunperinkin annettu muutamasta viikosta muutamaan kuukauteen ja Unto oli jo selvinnyt 6 kuukautta. En halunnut että se kärsisi enkä halunnut jättää sitä yksin yliopistolliseen eläinsairaalaan yöksi kun selviytyminen ja elinaika rytmihäiriön korjauksen jälkeen oli epävarma. Unto kuoli syliini hyvin levollisesti, mikä ei ole itsestäänselvyys DCM potilaita nukuttaessa. Meillä oli aivan ihana kesä yhdessä. Olen niin kiitollinen Untolle kaikesta.
Due to distichiasis Unto will not be used to breeding.
He was transferred to not for breeding (EJ) register in 2015. Cryo removal of extra lashes cost over 500€ and I dont think that is acceptable cost for puppy buyers during the first year of the dog`s life.
Unto is allergic at least to cow & milk, propably to duck, horse and elk too. He can`t eat grains. He has yeast type of symptoms like Anastasiya. He rips his fur off with his teeth. His paws turn easily to reddish brown. His condition is best when he eats only pig. Smoked products like pig ears cause him symptoms though.

Yleisin allergiaoire Untolla on karvojen nyppiminen hännästä.
"Pedigree" (RRC) mess á la Unto:
As of December 25th 2015 after seeing a picture in Facebook under which breeder comments
that the dog in the picture is called Tac I no longer believe
that Tac in Unto`s pedigree is the official name of Auba as breeder said.
I still believe Auba is Unto`s mother.

Unto @ dog shows
Unto on jättänyt näyttelykehät pysyvästi taakseen. Haluan lähinnä esittää Sylven tasoisia koiria, joiden kanssa näyttelyissäkäynti & näyttelymatkat ulkomaillekin ovat ilo. Ei sillä että meillä kurjaa olisi ollut Untonkaan kanssa. Unto on vaan enempi sellainen maalaiskoira. Sylvester taas kaupunkiolosuhteisiin luotu. Ehkä omistajasta on tullut laiska tai sitten fiksu. :D
Tosin en minä Muuminkaan kanssa yrittänyt kehissä kärvistellä, kun huomasin että koirasta ja sen hermoista ei ole siihen. Sylvester on asettanut riman korkealle siinä suhteessa. ;)
19.06.2016 SFK speciality cac show in Tammela
Unto competed in champion class and was judged by Annette Bystrup, Denmark.
excellent 1, certificate quality, best of breed, unofficial BIS 3
Masculine, with a nice head. Well set ears. Excellent proportions. Nice skull with spotted third eye & marked occiput. Correct scissorbite. Strong teeth. Well open nostrils. Excellent front, neck & topline, with correct marked withers. Well-angulated. Well-bodied, with correct flat ribs. Excellent coat, with hard overcoat. Well set & carried tail. Moves with great agility & suspended trot. Nice temperament.
22.05.2016 cacib show in Hamina
Unto competed in champion class and was judged by Martin Baskaran, Spain.
excellent 1, certificate quality, best of breed
2 years old. Correct head but I would like a little more narrow skull. Correct ears, eyes and bite. Good neck. Front hinds a little close. Correct topline and ribcage. Croup could be better. Correct tail & rear assembly. Moves very well in profile and up & down.
01.05.2016 cacib show in Tampere
Unto competed in open class and was judged by Markku Mähönen.
excellent 1, certificate quality, best of breed, cac, Finnish Champion, Swedish Champion & Norwegian Champion
Oikeat mittasuhteet. Kauniit ääriviivat. Oikeanmallinen pitkä pää. Hyvä ylälinja. Sopiva runko. Hyvin asettuneet korvat. Riittävän tiivis etuosa. Hyvät kulmaukset. Hyvälaatuinen karva. Miellyttävä käytös. Hyvät sivuliikkeet.
06.09.2015 European Winner 2015 cacib show in Lillestrøm Norway Crufts Q

02.08.2015 SFK speciality cac show in Kaarina
Unto competed in junior class and was judged by Gabriela Veiga, Portugal.
excellent 1
17 months. (I had trouble recalling his age) Nice head & expression. Still very immature. Correct ears, eyes, muzzle & bite. Correct pigment. Correct neck. Would like a firmer topline. Correct croup & tail but still doesnt use it to advantage. Correct chest. Would like better forechest & sternum. Would like better angulation in front. Correct feet. Movement still a bit erratic. Needs settling down & maturity. Correct coat texture.
27.06.2015 SVKL speciality cac show in Kouvola
30.05.2015 Estonian Winner 2015 cacib show in Tallinn Estonia Crufts Q
Unto competed in junior class and was judged by Perttu Ståhlberg.
excellent 1, certificate quality, best male 2, junior cac & Estonian Junior Winner 2015
Good size. Good proportions. Nice head with good lines. Little low earset. Nice neck. Well developed body for age. Enough angulated front, well in rear. Good coat quality. Typical movement.
24.05.2015 cacib show in Helsinki
Unto competed in junior class and was judged by Leila Kärkäs.
excellent 1, certificate quality, best male 1, best of breed & cac
Erinomaista tyyppiä, kaunis oikealinjainen pää, hyvä ilme, hyvä rodunmukainen rakenne, hyvä häntä, hyvä rintakehä ja raajat, hyvä liike, hyvä kaula ja ylälinja, hyvä karvanlaatu + käytös.
04.04.2015 Swedish Winner 2015 cacib show in Stockholm Sweden
Mononen tammikuussa 2019

Where did Unto get his official name Raving Rabbids?
Rabbids in Royal Wedding

"The toilet was used in Rabbids Go home as a secret entrance that could lead them to their pile.
The Rabbids seem to cartoonisly fit ANYTHING through the toilet including cows, airplanes and themselves."

pedigree created by me according the information given by Javier:
Pictures of Unto`s mother Auba:
Pictures of Unto`s father Curro:
Known relatives of my dog:
Lucas in Italy / 8 April 2012 / ? x Auba (not registered) / owner: kennel Tigidit
Same mother = Auba
Angel Shiva in Sweden / 29 March 2011 / Curro (RRC 0111439) x Clapa (RRC 0111430) / owner: Malin Hjelm (dead)
Toni I in Sweden / 29 March 2011 / Curro (RRC 0111439) x Clapa (RRC 0111430) / importer: kennel Yellow Eyes
Flamenco in France / Curro (RRC 0111439) x Clapa (RRC 0111430) / importer: kennel De La Dehannaie
Don Carlos in Netherlands / 27 April 2011 / Curro (RRC 0111439) x ? / owner: Tim Hendriks
Same father = Curro
Escalona in Czech Republic / 07 June 2010 / Rapit x Chula / owner: Filip Machovsky
Safira de Escalona in Czech Republic / 07 June 2010 / Rapit x Chula / owner: Pavla Kasparkova
According to Javier:
1.) Rapit is supposed to be Unto`s grandfather on mother`s side
2.) Chula is another Chula than the one Unto has as grandmother on mother`s side
What I think nowadays?
Maybe Tac (Unto`s dam in registration certificate) is from exactly the same parents as Escalona & Safira
and those parents (Rapit & Chula) have nothing to do with Unto`s real dam Auba.
Other Javier`s exports:
F`Blanca in Netherlands / owner: Tim Hendriks
Pincho 1 Del Paran in UK / Curro(?) x ? / owner: kennel Parani
Since he apparently lied to me that Auba`s official name is Tac,
I don`t think he is capable of telling the truth about anything of importance.
That`s why I consider all data about his breeding worthless.
Shame because he bred lovely podenco ibicencos and did his own puppies a great disfavor
by falsifying their registration paperwork.
Wouldn`t it be great to be able to say to the world that I bred a world winner instead of being bound by secrecy?
He didn`t just fool me, a foreigner, he showed great disregard to Unto`s future & wellbeing.
Unto, who didn`t deserve this & was spanish through & through.
Unto, who was the son of two podenco ibicencos Javier was very proud of: Curro & Auba.
Unto, who Javier himself took care of the first 6-9 months of Unto`s life in Spain.
Didn`t Unto matter to him at all?